Translation of the compelling love language from one culture to another: what does it literally and culturally mean? Does it make you feel the love (tonight like Elton John)?

Words are more treacherous and powerful than we think. Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher(1905-1980). Do you know that there is a thousand different way to say I love you? Without saying this phrase? You may wonder that, in each language, there are so many ways to refer to a loved one. If you are in a… Continue reading Translation of the compelling love language from one culture to another: what does it literally and culturally mean? Does it make you feel the love (tonight like Elton John)?

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: does AI disrupt human translation and interpreting services? and why is it important?

Today, all document translations and interpreting from a source language to a target language can be done by Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is primordial for every sector, in which the technology integrates with translating programs or a part of research motors. Yet, matching a source to a target language does not mean replacing a human-made… Continue reading Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: does AI disrupt human translation and interpreting services? and why is it important?

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